Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Much Harder this Time Around

Hi all.....felt bad for not running today so I got in a quick half hour of lifting at 10:30pm. Now...I am wired so here I am. I mentioned this the other night, but this is much harder this time around. I have dropped 10 lbs since the 5th, but this time is requiring much more work and dedication. My short term goal is that we are going on a trip to San Diego in April so I want to be in as good of shape as possible. Mainly just to squeeze into the plane for that amount of time! Even at a good weight, I am not built for an airplane.

Work was busy busy today, still working now in fact, which is why I was not exactly motivated to get out an run. Although one of my buddies I run with stopped by the office today and reminded me The Pig is May 3rd. Even though I am not doing the marathon...the 10K is a marathon to me. Hopefully it will be above freezing for a few days and I can log some miles. The good that has come from not running is that I have been lifting more and just benched 300lbs for the first time in awhile. I can add a shoulder joint to the knees that I am going to blow out with all of this. Feels good to push yourself though.

Tonight's chicken flavors were Jerk and Curry. (Why you all read this I have no clue) I will have to admit the house smells a little weird though. Not a good combination.

Received some nice emails and Facebook notes from people starting their own little weight loss journeys in the Real World. Best of luck to Scott and Nichole as they start to achieve their weight loss goals.

Thats about it for tonight.......

Monday, January 11, 2010

Week 2 week down. The weight is bouncing around, but we are right at about 10 lbs for week one. Not is most definitely harder this round. When you start a diet in horrible shape weighing over 350lbs the weight comes off much quicker.

I need to really focus on calories and getting my exercise in, which is about impossible with the amount of work and kids stuff we have going on right now, but oh well. Got a quick run in last night after Cora's swim meet and hit the weights for a little tonight. Jammed pack tomorrow...looks like I will finally get to try out my reflector bracelets tomorrow night. Look out Wonder Woman. Hopefully it will keep the deer away...nothing worse than looking up and almost running smack into one. Lessoned learned. Don't run with your I-pod on and hood up. Honest to God, I felt his breath on me. Freaked me out....not to mention the deer!

Click this to watch a great may have seen me write about Sam before. Sam is another Real Loser and one of the reasons I started running. Sam is a friend and business colleague and used to be a big boy and started running to lose weight and now is attempting to run 60....yes I said 60 marathons. Oh...did I mention he is trying to do that in 52 weeks. Crazy! His son Jack has autism and he is running to raise awareness. It is truly amazing. Good Luck Sam! I have nothing to top that other than I am still dieting, still working out, and have held true to my not drinking for this month. Another reader the other day mentioned that this is a lifestyle and not a diet, which is exactly right. You should not be depriving yourself of the things you like to eat or drink. Yes, I like to have a beer or a cocktail every once in awhile. It is not the best for you, but in the grand scheme of things isn't horrible as long as you don't do it every day.

For this month though...I am on a diet, and I have made the choice not to drink, only because I am not very good at only having one, and once you have a beer, then might as well have the burger, and if I have the burger....well might as well get those fries....and well just screw it we will just work harder tomorrow and burn it off. That happened a lot to me the last 2 months and well....tomorrow is here for me.

Trust me ( and you will hear a giant sigh of relief coming from the fine folks at The Lube) I will find a way to the things I like to eat and drink back in to my daily life again....but for now I am being good and staying focused on the task at hand which is to drop another 30 lbs!

Have a good week...please God let it warm up!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Let it Snow....

So the White Death finally made it. I guess closing the schools was a good idea after all. Pretty uneventful day today. Mixed things up by having my favorite grilled chicken wrap from Wendy's for lunch. At least going through the drive thru let me feel like I was not on a diet. But honest to many more ways can they find to get bacon on a sandwich??? They are like Pizza Hut with cheese......can there possibly be any more locations on a pizza to stick cheese? Anyway, I digress.

Patrice always informs me that we have grilled chicken and tortillas here...why go through Wendy's. One it is convenient...two, I think there is something to be said for going through the drive thru. Its not about the is really almost a social thing. I personally will go crazy if I just pack my lunch everyday, eat my salad or chicken and go right back to work. I am to the point where I know I will not be tempted by the giant glossy Baconator poster in the drive thru. Alright, I am tempted, but it is really just wasting 2 days of a diet by the time you burn that thing back off It is just a nice change of pace from the bucket of protein powder and zip-lock bag of chicken.

The same holds true for stopping at the bar and having an Iced Tea or Diet Coke. Yeah a beer would be nice, and yes I have Diet Coke at home, but maybe just those 20 mins where you can just sit at the bar and be Dave-not Dad, Husband, Business Owner, Board Member, is worth more. I know...I am breaking new ground here....people go to bars for other reasons than to get a beer.

Anyway......exercise today-shoveling snow. I will hit the weights a little later as well. My neighbor busted me though because I used my leaf blower on my deck. cant use a snow shovel, that would tear up the wood! I shoveled the rest.

Stay warm.... Eat mor chikin

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Its Like Deja Vu

No...I am not talking about the strip club. We are at day 3 and the routine is setting in. Want to know how today went. Read yesterday's entry. It is about the same. Although today I am flying solo as Patrice is working late.

I need to join back up to the Sports Club so I can mix up the workouts a little more (hello Sports Club.....hook a brother was a bad year in the video business!) . The snow is killing me. I don't mind the cold, but I am not a big fan of running in slop! I am however counting shoveling snow as my cardio for today.

Food was pretty much the same as yesterday. Chicken, protein powder...mixed in an omelet today with egg beaters and turkey bacon ( it really isn't that bad) I have really gotten to like turkey bacon plus it cooks fast and makes no mess.

That is about all I have for today. Nothing too exciting...and nothing too witty. I guess a lack of carbs makes you boring! Maybe I will watch the Biggest Loser tonight...that always sends me over the edge and makes for good posts! For more explanation as to why I hate The Biggest Loser read some of my earlier posts!

Seriously though...I did get a few nice emails of support today from folks....thanks so much for taking the time to email and read the blog! Until tomorrow........

Monday, January 4, 2010

Welcome Back to Life

Welcome back to life. The holidays are over....the alarm was going off at 5:45.....dragged 2 kids out of bed who had absolutely no desire to go back to school...made breakfast...packed lunches for everyone and out the door to the bus at 7:30. Worked all day trying to save the world from bad commercials as best we can on a budget....get home....get Cora off to swimming....Get Claire's homework going...cook dinner....lugged the Christmas tree to the curb. Now.....wouldn't it be great to stop off at the bar and have a few beers, and catch the UC game. about some Laura's lean ground beef with some lettuce and taco we are talking.

I tried to go for a run to get my cardio in, but I figured blowing out my knee by slipping in the snow was probably not in my best interest. So 7 rounds on the heavy bag for me, in addition to hitting the weights. Man...I really wanted to try out my new reflector bracelets I got for Christmas too.......if figure if I end up giving up running, I can always use these for my Super Hero costume.

I think squats are the best exercise ever. Period. Of course talk to me tomorrow when I can't get up out of my chair. After 3 sets, I was breathing heavier than I ever have after running. Not a lot of people like to do know why??? They are FREAKIN HARD to DO! Throw 200lbs on a bar and factor in that I am already moving 280 lbs of body weight and that will get r done. Metabolic discomfort as my brother likes to say.

Sticking do the diet was pretty easy today. Being busy helps. It seems like with eating 6 small meals a day you are always eating, planning your meal, cooking your meal or shopping for your meal. Speaking of which...I am off to broil up some chicken!

Talk to you tomorrow........

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day One is in the Books

After 2 weeks of eating too much and drinking too (way too) much, it was kind of nice to be healthy again today, although I will have to admit that it is going to be a little hard to watch my Bengals with a diet coke and protein shake!

Had some nasty cottage cheese, peanut butter and protein powder concoction this morning that will not be making a return appearance then got in a good workout with the weights and got the courage up to run in the 16 degree weather. It wasn't too bad except for the wind, and I have to say that I looked damn good in my new running tights! 2.5 miles before my shins said enough!

Grilled chicken for lunch and a grilled chicken salad for dinner and how could I forget my 18 almonds! But even after one day it feels good not to be full.

People have asked why the Blog? One...if I am typing...I am not eating. Two it keeps me motivated to continue on...the more people that I tell that ask me "How is the diet going" keeps me honest. Some people don't let anyone know they are trying to lose weight. My personal theory on this is that it is much easier for them to give up. I want people to know what I am doing....I want people to join along with me, whether it is to lose weight or just be healthy.

Honestly, with the support I had last year, I feel like I am letting people down when I cheat or stray from the diet. I have even told my favorite bartenders at The Lube...not to serve me until the Super Bowl! (Don't worry...I'll be back!) It is easy to fail on this and I need all the support I can.

Now...I am off to watch the Bengals with a diet coke. Talk to you tomorrow

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Time to Get it Going Again

If you are going to play in the Summer (and Fall) you have to pay in the Winter. Tomorrow marks the beginning of another round of heavy dieting. For the next 30 days, I am going to be very strict on what I eat and force myself to workout everyday. And share every bit of it with you guys!! Aren't you lucky!!

Overall, I am happy with last year's efforts. For the year I ended up keeping off 62lbs. Yes, I lost more and yes I put some back on. I am really looking forward to the next 30 days to see how much weight I can lose and then work on maintaining that. My goal is to lose another 38 lbs so I can make it an even 100. Then as I said I need a solid maintenance program. But first things first.

I am looking forward to this because last year when I started this, I was unable to do any type of running and very little cardio because of my weight. That is not the case this year. I am in much better shape starting this off, so I am hoping that the results come easier. Another running goal is to run the 10K (thats 6.2 miles for those of you following along at home) at the Flying Pig this year.... We shall see...the knees are not what they used to be, and they were never good in the first place.

My mom gave me a book by John Bingham, "The Penguin" nicknamed so because of his waddling running style and it has been very inspirational so far. The best quote that I have come across in my reading is my new motto...."The only person you have to outrun, is who you used to be" For me this sums it all up...

Stay tuned for updates!!! And if you are starting this journey for yourself......good luck!