After 2 weeks of eating too much and drinking too (way too) much, it was kind of nice to be healthy again today, although I will have to admit that it is going to be a little hard to watch my Bengals with a diet coke and protein shake!
Had some nasty cottage cheese, peanut butter and protein powder concoction this morning that will not be making a return appearance then got in a good workout with the weights and got the courage up to run in the 16 degree weather. It wasn't too bad except for the wind, and I have to say that I looked damn good in my new running tights! 2.5 miles before my shins said enough!
Grilled chicken for lunch and a grilled chicken salad for dinner and how could I forget my 18 almonds! But even after one day it feels good not to be full.
People have asked why the Blog? One...if I am typing...I am not eating. Two it keeps me motivated to continue on...the more people that I tell that ask me "How is the diet going" keeps me honest. Some people don't let anyone know they are trying to lose weight. My personal theory on this is that it is much easier for them to give up. I want people to know what I am doing....I want people to join along with me, whether it is to lose weight or just be healthy.
Honestly, with the support I had last year, I feel like I am letting people down when I cheat or stray from the diet. I have even told my favorite bartenders at The Lube...not to serve me until the Super Bowl! (Don't worry...I'll be back!) It is easy to fail on this and I need all the support I can.
Now...I am off to watch the Bengals with a diet coke. Talk to you tomorrow
Go Dave, Go!!!! Brendan has lost 25 pounds so far, and his enthusiasm is contagious. I'm pregnant (pass along to your lovely wife), so I'm not doing quite as much as he is, but I am still working out 5 days a week and watching what I eat. Good times! I'm due June 7 and we find out 4th girl or perhaps a boy TOMORROW! Tell Patrice I will call her to let her know :)