Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Its Like Deja Vu

No...I am not talking about the strip club. We are at day 3 and the routine is setting in. Want to know how today went. Read yesterday's entry. It is about the same. Although today I am flying solo as Patrice is working late.

I need to join back up to the Sports Club so I can mix up the workouts a little more (hello Sports Club.....hook a brother up...it was a bad year in the video business!) . The snow is killing me. I don't mind the cold, but I am not a big fan of running in slop! I am however counting shoveling snow as my cardio for today.

Food was pretty much the same as yesterday. Chicken, protein powder...mixed in an omelet today with egg beaters and turkey bacon ( it really isn't that bad) I have really gotten to like turkey bacon plus it cooks fast and makes no mess.

That is about all I have for today. Nothing too exciting...and nothing too witty. I guess a lack of carbs makes you boring! Maybe I will watch the Biggest Loser tonight...that always sends me over the edge and makes for good posts! For more explanation as to why I hate The Biggest Loser read some of my earlier posts!

Seriously though...I did get a few nice emails of support today from folks....thanks so much for taking the time to email and read the blog! Until tomorrow........

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