Monday, January 11, 2010

Week 2 week down. The weight is bouncing around, but we are right at about 10 lbs for week one. Not is most definitely harder this round. When you start a diet in horrible shape weighing over 350lbs the weight comes off much quicker.

I need to really focus on calories and getting my exercise in, which is about impossible with the amount of work and kids stuff we have going on right now, but oh well. Got a quick run in last night after Cora's swim meet and hit the weights for a little tonight. Jammed pack tomorrow...looks like I will finally get to try out my reflector bracelets tomorrow night. Look out Wonder Woman. Hopefully it will keep the deer away...nothing worse than looking up and almost running smack into one. Lessoned learned. Don't run with your I-pod on and hood up. Honest to God, I felt his breath on me. Freaked me out....not to mention the deer!

Click this to watch a great may have seen me write about Sam before. Sam is another Real Loser and one of the reasons I started running. Sam is a friend and business colleague and used to be a big boy and started running to lose weight and now is attempting to run 60....yes I said 60 marathons. Oh...did I mention he is trying to do that in 52 weeks. Crazy! His son Jack has autism and he is running to raise awareness. It is truly amazing. Good Luck Sam! I have nothing to top that other than I am still dieting, still working out, and have held true to my not drinking for this month. Another reader the other day mentioned that this is a lifestyle and not a diet, which is exactly right. You should not be depriving yourself of the things you like to eat or drink. Yes, I like to have a beer or a cocktail every once in awhile. It is not the best for you, but in the grand scheme of things isn't horrible as long as you don't do it every day.

For this month though...I am on a diet, and I have made the choice not to drink, only because I am not very good at only having one, and once you have a beer, then might as well have the burger, and if I have the burger....well might as well get those fries....and well just screw it we will just work harder tomorrow and burn it off. That happened a lot to me the last 2 months and well....tomorrow is here for me.

Trust me ( and you will hear a giant sigh of relief coming from the fine folks at The Lube) I will find a way to the things I like to eat and drink back in to my daily life again....but for now I am being good and staying focused on the task at hand which is to drop another 30 lbs!

Have a good week...please God let it warm up!!

1 comment:

  1. D- I started a rule a few years ago that seems to help, I'm sure it's not AA endorsed but if I can't have a lot of beers I don't have any; I say 10 to people but that is an exaggeration, But if I know I can't have 4,5,6 and catch a nice buzz I don't need the calories or the lack a will power around the buffet that 1 or 2 can induce. Keep up the good work!
