I know you are filled up from all that we ate today....but it I hope you can squeeze a little more in. Here is what else we did today.
After work....came home, and got the girls off to cheer practice (Go Eagles!!) then went for a 2 mile run. Came home and busted out a little work out.
3 sets of Bench press x10 reps
3 sets DB overhead press
3 sets 1 arm rows
throw in some shrugs, curls, push ups, and 200 crunches ( cause I want those 12pk abs) and call it done.
I realized no one was home and I had an hour to kill so I fired up the car and headed to The Lube. Why ruin all your hard work. I was running at 6pm in 85 degree heat, drenched in sweat. Here is a tip....you can still sit at the bar and not drink alcohol. Order up a nice refreshing ice tea and enjoy a lovely Cincinnati evening while watching the Reds suck.
Ice Tea = $1.50
Tip to not have Steph the cute bartender hassle you to drink at her bar or ship out=$7.00
1 hour without the family to watch the Reds and the drunk hillbillies=PRICELESS
Head home and throw down 1 grilled chicken breast, some romaine lettuce and Parmesan cheese, put the girls to bed....read tales of a 4th grade nothing with Claire and explain to Cora, why she cannot have a cell phone for the 900th time and here I am talking to y'all! How can it get any better. Drink a big glass of water and head to bed. After you deal with email from all of your West Coast clients where it is still only 6pm and they are just getting back to you.
Every excuse you had for not losing weight.....I just overcame. What is your problem!
Talk to you all tomorrow.......omelette's for breakfast!!!!
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