Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Why the name?

I had had a few people email asking what is up with the name "The REAL Loser". It is simple. I hate the tv show, "The Biggest Loser".

It is not reality TV. Tell me in who's reality does someone take you away to a retreat, give you the best trainers and nutritionists in the business, take all of life's cares away from you and then PAY you to lose weight. If you cannot lose weight in this scenario, you are a LOSER. A big fat chicken wing eating, Mountain Dew drinking, drive myself around in a scooter cuz I am too fat to walk through the outlet malls....LOSER! (that is a topic for another post) These people that are given this chance and then sit there and have to worry when they step on the scale....PLEASE!!!

Let me tell you about reality.....reality is when you have to get 2 kids to the bus by 7:30 in the morning, run a small business, run children to 20 different lessons and practices, all the while driving through Wendy's with the Baconator looking right back at you through the Plexiglas. (which for the record I have never eaten...if you have...shame on you...but please let me know how it was!)

Reality is running in the rain, snow, 90 degree heat and in the middle of the night because this is all the time that you have to squeeze in your workout. Reality is getting pulled over by the cops on your run (trust me I wasn't speeding) because you are out in the dark and rain, wearing dark clothes and 2 streets over there have been cars broken into...then the cop who just totally screwed up your workout wouldn't give you a ride home! All while managing to stay in business, married and be the apple of my daughter's eyes, and drop 70 lbs Hey NBC...I got your reality right here.

It may make for compelling television...but it is the farthest thing from what the average person trying to lose weight will go through. It is hard to lose weight. There is no quick fix. I have said it before and I will say it didn't get fat in 2 weeks, and there is nothing on this planet that will make you thin in 2 weeks. I have nothing but the utmost respect for anyone that has have the courage to admit they have a weight problem and then do something about it. There are definitely ups and downs and it has to be a lifestyle change and not a quick fix or all the weight is going to come back on...but in the end you will be so much better off for it.

My doctor told me when I started (well...actually 2 years before I started just took awhile to sink in and decide to do it) that this was my wake up call. I was getting too old and too fat to continue to put my body through this. Sooner or later is was all going to catch up with me and it would take years off of my life. Those would be years that I would miss with my family and friends and I decided to go do something about it. For those of you who are reading this for motivation....GO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Become a REAL Loser

Got to go...I have 18 almonds with my name on them....I call it The Almond-ator!

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