Monday, August 3, 2009

The Problem with Success

Here is a problem that I have run into on occasion with diets in the past and was starting to happen this time around.

Once you experience success on your plan and people take notice and congratulate you, DO NOT THINK YOU ARE THIN!!! Yes, I lost 70lbs, yes I lost 6 inches in my waist, etc, but I still weigh 276 pounds! I am far from skinny. I have gone from Big Dave to Medium Dave....but there is still much work to be done.

Don't get me wrong. I am happy to have come this far and there is an amazing differenece in the way I feel, act and approach life in general, but I am still fat. Just not as fat as I was!

Do not get caught up in your success! I don't know what my goal weight is. I am not really stopping at a number. I am just looking to be healthy, and maybe buy a pair of fancy jeans! But as the last couple weeks have taught me, I have about 20 years of bad habits to break, and while I have been good for the last 6 months, it is very easy to fall back into those bad habits again. This is not a quick fix. If you want this to work, You have to keep working at this everyday.

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